Computer program

Daily program: work, work, work!

Visnan School of Astronomy 2013 takes place from 07.08. to 17.08.2013. The official languages of the school are Croatian and English. To maintain high level of individual work between mentors and team members, the program is planned for 15 highschool students (grades 8-12).

Most of the activities take place at the Visnjan Observatory and in the newly renovated dormitory behind Visnjan elementary school, but some groups will spend part of their time working at the Tican Observatory as well. Meals are organized at the Borgonja restaurant.

Daily program

13 to 14 - Getting up - lunch
14 to 17 - Team work - data reduction
17 to 19 - Lecture (Visnjan City Hall)
19 to 20 - Dinner
21 to 22 - Briefing (Dormitory)
22 to 01 - Observations and night work
24 to 01 - Breakfast
01 to 04 - Observations and night work
05 to 06 - Time to go to bed

The program is subject to change in case of bad weather.